5 Signs Your Shopping Center Construction Contractor is Costing You Business
When it comes to current retail and commercial construction trends, we all know there aren’t a lot of new shopping centers under construction right now, or new office buildings under construction for that matter. Instead, landlords are focused on renovating shopping malls and remodeling office buildings to attract new tenants and entice existing tenants to renew their lease.
Unfortunately, a landlord’s biggest liability in a commercial construction project can be an insensitive general contractor whose only concern is making his deadline and budget. What’s wrong with a general contractor focused on commercial construction costs and his construction schedule? Plenty, if the GC’s actions are hurting your tenants’ business. Following are five signs your general construction contractor is making your tenants mad and damaging your business.
- No parking – Make sure your general contractor and subs aren’t using premium parking spots. Construction contractors should pull up, unload tools or equipment and park in the back lot, leaving the most convenient parking for customers.
- Sloppy site – Is a construction safety plan in place and is the site clean? Sure the site is under construction, but are there clear paths free of debris and equipment? Nothing scares customers away faster than the thought of potential injury.
- Confused customers – The construction project management team should oversee the installation of visible temporary signage during a shopping mall remodel or office building renovation letting customers and clients know you are open for business and the improvements being made.
- Quiet over there! Shopping center construction contractors and office construction companies should schedule all loud noise activities for before or after business hours. Nothing hurts a sale or new-biz pitch more than the lovely sound of a jackhammer.
- Confused tenants – Commercial construction contractors who don’t share their construction schedule with tenants are putting you in the line of fire for complaints. Tenants don’t like to be in the dark and have to respond “I don’t know” when a customer or client asks about shopping center construction improvements or building updates, especially if the question is “When will the work will be completed?”
Now, I’m not going to name names, but when we were the retail construction contractor for a couple of stores at a suburban Chicago mall a few years ago, everything was on the timetable of the shopping center general contractor, who could have cared less about the mall’s tenants. Seriously, the mall’s general contractor was still in the ceiling of our stores just four days before we had to finish. Needless to say, our clients were not happy with the shopping center developer.
Conversely, when Englewood Construction served as the commercial general contractor for the Shoppes at Farmington Valley in Canton, Conn., we came in on time and under budget without one complaint from any of the retailers.
No complaints? When was the last time that happened to you?
Thoughts? Concerns? Or just looking to talk about shopping center construction news?
I’m your guy.

Director of Operations
Tel: 847-233-9200 x712

Questions? Comments? You can reach me at chuck.taylor@englewoodconstruction.com