3 Keys to Senior Housing Renovation Construction
With Baby Boomers aging, it is no surprise that Senior Housing construction and renovation are… well…BOOMING. In recent years, we’ve been working with Senior Housing developers and operators to update existing facilities, add new amenities, and retool common areas to be more competitive with new-construction senior housing options. In addition, many national senior housing operators are in “acquisition” mode and are boosting their portfolio by snapping up value-add properties they can remodel and put under their brand umbrella.
In both these cases, a trusted commercial construction contractor with local expertise is an important partner in executing renovations as efficiently as possible and maximizing both capital improvement and maintenance budgets. Based on our own experience and best practices, here are three commercial construction strategies for senior living community owners and operators to consider when starting a senior housing renovation project:
1. Pay special attention to amenity spaces and common areas.
Amenity spaces in senior communities are high-impact areas, both in terms of enhancing the lifestyle of current residents and making a great first impression on prospective residents and their family members. They are also in high demand, making them a smart investment for improvement and renovation budgets.
Overall, the trend in senior community common areas is toward open, lounge-like spaces with high-end hospitality feel and elements like bar areas and coffee cafes that encourage social interaction. Sometimes, depending on existing spaces, transitioning gathering areas to this more modern standard can be accomplished relatively easily and inexpensively. Think about a stereotypical “bingo hall”-style common room, complete with stark walls, unappealing ceiling tiles, bare floors, fluorescent lighting, and a hodgepodge of mismatched furniture. Changing out those elements for soft canned lighting, calming paint colors, and coordinated décor can instantly update and refresh the space.

Alternatively, projects that entail moving walls or installing new mechanical systems are a little more involved. Still, with good planning, a lot can be done to add or improve an amenity efficiently. For example, in one recent project where we added a bar area to a senior community’s lounge, we positioned the bar to share a common wall with an existing quick-service café/snack area. That meant we could tie into existing plumbing and electrical, ultimately reducing costs.
2. Think big picture and weigh renovation projects and maintenance needs simultaneously.
We love when a client comes to us for ongoing facility management and maintenance work and capital improvement projects because we can balance their wants with their needs to accomplish within budget parameters.
Case in point – whenever a facility has scheduled maintenance work, it is smart to look at other projects on the wish list and see what can be tackled simultaneously. If a contractor is already coming in to upgrade lighting to LED, it may also be a good time to switch out light fixtures for a quick cosmetic refresh. Depending on the client’s budget situation, this type of improvement could potentially be considered a maintenance line item rather than coming out of the capital improvement bucket. Similarly, suppose a client is planning a renovation project of any scale. In that case, it makes sense to look at upcoming facility maintenance projects to see if any other work can be scheduled simultaneously since residents will already be somewhat disrupted by construction.

3. Take extra steps to keep residents happy and safe when renovating an occupied senior community.
There are always special considerations for a construction project in a facility that is open for business, and that is especially true with a senior housing community that residents consider their home. Not only is it critical to ensure all the appropriate construction safety precautions are in place to protect residents and their guests from any hazards associated with work taking place, but it is also imperative to schedule considerate construction work hours and follow strict daily cleanup procedures. Communication is also extremely important in this setting, so we carefully choose our project superintendents for senior community projects. Residents are naturally interested in the work taking place, so the construction team needs to be ready to field questions and interact with residents in a way that will make the project a positive experience for everyone.