New Retail Construction Goes for the Gold in Shopping Center Development
I’ve been watching the Winter Olympics and can’t help but notice that many gold medal champions win by knowing just when to take advantage of a split-second opportunity to get ahead of their competition. It’s all about timing.
The same can be said for all those savvy national retailers who are currently taking advantage of the availability of prime space at regional shopping centers and decreased construction costs in order to enter high-profile markets.

Now some of you may say retailers are crazy for opening new locations or expanding into new shopping centers at this time and that they should just update current stores with a construction renovation. But others, like those who commented on Ian Ritter’s recent blog “A Lifestyle Center Actually Getting Built?” will say those retailers and shopping center developers are crazy like a fox.
Think about it. Shopping center landlords have probably never been more willing to work with national retailers and restaurant operators on rent concessions and design build schedules of stores. If you’re a rent-sensitive retailer, this is your best time to enter a top market.
And with commercial retail construction costs down 10-15 percent compared to three years ago, you’re going to win on a couple fronts.
1. Better construction service: Everyone wants work right now, so subcontractors are more likely to bend over backwards to accommodate your needs and timeframe.
2. Top talent: Like everyone else, subcontractors have had to trim staff, often keeping only the best employees.
3. Easier permitting process: The decrease in new commercial construction projects in 2010 means commercial construction permits can be issued faster than before.
Just this month it was announced that Roundy’s is entering the Chicago market with two stores, CVS opened its first Memphis store with two more on the way and Chick-fil-A is planning for 78 new locations in 2010. That’s not bad company to keep.
If you’re waiting for a better time to take your big box retailer, specialty store or restaurant concept to a regional mall, power center or lifestyle center, good luck. Opportunities like these may not present themselves for another four years – just like the Winter Olympics. Go for the gold!
What new stores or restaurants would you like to see open in shopping centers near you?
Chuck Taylor
Director of Operations
Tel: 847-233-9200 x712
Questions? Comments? You can reach me at