Hard Hat Chat is Now an Award-Winning Commercial Construction Blog
Most of the commercial construction news we discuss in this blog involves new Chicago retail and restaurant construction projects or analyzing commercial construction trends. But every once in a while we have something special to share. I am usually not one to brag, but I am proud to announce The Construction Writers Association (CWA) has awarded Englewood Construction the 2011 Website & Electronic Communications Blog Award for Hard Hat Chat.
I’ll admit, when we heard we won we were pleasantly surprised. In 2009 we launched this commercial construction blog as a platform to share ideas, best practices and observations about commercial construction, development and management. I’ve always felt that having an open dialogue with clients, peers, architects, subcontractors or anyone with an interest in the commercial construction industry was the best way to improve my knowledge base and in turn be a successful commercial construction contractor.
We weren’t sure how many of you would find Hard Hat Chat, or keep reading after our first blog post, Retail Development and Construction: Getting Started. But two years, 51 blog posts and more than 22,000 page views later, it seems we’re doing something right.
If you happen to be attending the CWA conference and awards dinner in San Antonio on Oct. 25, make sure you look for Chuck Taylor, who co-writes this blog with me and will be accepting the award. Without Chuck, our marketing director Kim Sawyer and the rest of the Englewood team, we would not have won this award.
And of course a special (hard) hats off to all the readers of this blog, our clients (who let us share their stories), vendors and subcontractors who continue to support our efforts with Hard Hat Chat and suggest timely topics and thought-provoking questions so we can all be a little better at our jobs.
Thanks again and please keep your suggestions coming.

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Questions? Comments? You can reach me at bill.disanto@englewoodconstruction.com